Web Development
Ever wondered how web applications are built? Everything seems Greek until you get to know how it is built. GTech μlearn's Web Development Interest Group aims to develop and fine-tune your Web Development skills and bring together people who wish to evaluate potential Web Technologies. Join now and Stay Updated!
Office Hours: Thursday 7:30 PM @ Discord Lobby
Think Tank Meeting: Friday 7:00 PM @ Google Meet
Community Partner: Pygrammers
Interest Group Roadmap
The roadmap below will help you understand the various stages of learning and the tasks that you need to complete in order to gain specific knowledge in this domain.
Enablement Tasks
There are some core skills are required to be learned irrespective of the interest group. Completing these tasks wil give you a better grip while learning
Interest Group Tasks
To gain a better understanding of the interest group, complete the tasks which are listed below. These tasks will help you get a better understanding of the interest group.
Mentor Details
Have Doubts? Our Mentors are here to help you get all your doubts cleared and help you along your journey. Join in for our Office Hours and get all your doubts cleared.
Interest Group Leads
Interest group leads manage the activities and events within interest groups and serve as a point of contact for students interested in getting involved. Students can connect with these leads to learn about opportunities within their interests.
Level 4 Tasks
Every subject or skill has some core set of things to be learned. Here are a few resources curated by us to understand them
Task's Name | Task's Link | Karma Points |
Marking up a letter | Click Here | 400 |
Styling a biography page | Click Here | 200 |
Silly story generator | Click Here | 400 |
Personal Portfolio | Click Here | 200 |
ToDo List | Click Here | 200 |
Tic-Tac-Toe Game | Click Here | 400 |
Level 5 Tasks
Every subject or skill has some core set of things to be learned. Here are a few resources curated by us to understand them
Task's Name | Task's Link | Karma Points |
Mozilla splash page | Click Here | 400 |
Fundamental CSS comprehension | Click Here | 400 |
Typesetting a community school homepage | Click Here | 800 |
Web forms — Working with user data | Click Here | 800 |
Image gallery | Click Here | 800 |
Adding features to our bouncing balls demo | Click Here | 800 |
YouTube Clone Using React.js | Click Here | 400 |
Building a Movie Listing Application | Click Here | 400 |
Building a Bugetting Application with React.js | Click Here | 400 |
Level 6 Tasks
Every subject or skill has some core set of things to be learned. Here are a few resources curated by us to understand them
Task's Name | Task's Link | Karma Points |
Structuring planet data | Click Here | 400 |
Fundamental layout comprehension | Click Here | 800 |
Sequencing animations | Click Here | 800 |
Client-side web APIs | Click Here | 800 |
Chat Room Application | Click Here | 800 |
Core Tasks
Every subject or skill has some core set of things to be learned. Here are a few resources curated by us to understand them
Core Course's Name | Core Course's Link | Karma Points |
Responsive Web Design | Click Here | 800 |
Javascript Algorithms and Data Structure | Click Here | 800 |
Frontend Development | Click Here | 800 |
Backend Development and APIs | Click Here | 800 |
Django - Beginner Level | Click Here | 400 |
Sub Courses
These courses will help you have a much better grasp over the domain. Learning these will always be an important advantage for your upcoming journey.
Sub Course's Name | Sub Course's Link | Karma Points |
Git and Github | Click Here | 200 |
Learning a new skill always brings in new opportunities. Here are some possible opportunities/roles you could grab by learning this skill.
Top People to Follow
These are list of people you should be following inorder to learn as well as stay updated
Top Blogs to Follow
Learning through Reading is a great method as it has many advantages. There are multiple Blogs out there with quality content and here are few of them.
Solving challenges while learning can be more engaging. A specific problem presents an opportunity for hands-on learning and skill development. If you are ready to take on this learning approach, there is a challenge waiting for you.
Top Keywords
Listed below are the top keywords that you should be looking for while learning this stack. Happy Learning!.